- River:
- Kennebec River
- Class:
- Class II to IV+
- River Length
- 14 miles
- Time:
- 1 - 2.5 days
- Season:
- April to October
The Kennebec River is located in the western mountains of Maine running calmly out to the coast after raging rapids. This river has been voted one of America's top five rivers for whitewater rafting and lives up to its reputation. The Kennebec starts at Moosehead Lake, Maine's largest lake, and flows through Indian Pond and ends in the Kennebec Gorge. On average, this dam-released river flows at 4800-8000 cfs (cubic feet per second) making it outstanding and consistent for whitewater enthusiasts.
The Kennebec is an over all class IV river with an intense and sustained section called The Gorge. The major rapids to conquer include Three Sisters, Alleyway, Big Mama, and the infamous Magic Falls. The Kennebec is perfect for groups and families that want a taste of one of America's best whitewater rafting experiences just in one day!
Since the Kennebec is such an acclaimed area, there are a lot of tours to choose from. Some can be for a day and others can be a long weekend expedition through the 14 mile spread of the spectacular scenery and water of Maine's forests. The rafting season runs from April through October. For discount rates it is best to go in April or mid-June. Due to the river's class, children must be at least ten years old. Experience one of America's best rides on the Kennebec River!
River Details
River Length
1 day of rafting
Guides Available?
Additional Details
Located near Mooshead Lake. Cheaper rates are in April to mid-June. Minimum age is 10 years.